I've also managed to aquire a fine piece of work by my favorite living artist, Jim Toner.
I do not yet know the extent of the adventures I will have, Gentle Reader, as I navigate the urban domains and wild back countries of North America. But you can be certain that I will update this forum with news of my escapades as frequently as the cyber gods allow.
From here I take a bus to Boston on Wednesday, then fly to the wonderful land known as (T)oron(t)o on Thursday. I've got some tricky connections to make, but feel that with a bit of luck, and an airport cocktail or two, I shall safely reach my Canadian destination. One thing we can both be certain of is that the historical conquests documented above will become the stuff of legend, and the folklore of tomorrow.
Farewell for now Gentle Reader. I will see you in the cyber salons of the future.